
About Us
Cappuccino Books is a young publishing house, home to authors who have exceptional and extraordinary stories, both fiction and non-fiction. We take great care in publishing perfectly crafted books and have recently been awarded the Benjamin Franklin Award for excellence in book publishing.
Submissions: We are currently not accepting submissions.
The IBPA Benjamin Franklin Award for excellence in book publishing is regarded as one of the highest national honors for small and independent publishers.
Cappuccino Books GmbH
Alter Postplatz 2
6370 Stans NW
Queries by e-mail only
Sales, Distribution, Publicity
outside USA and Canada
Cappuccino Books GmbH
Alter Postplatz 2
6370 Stans NW
e-mail: mailto
Sales and Distribution USA and Canada
Midpoint Book Sales and Distribution
27 West 20th Street
Suite 1102
New York, NY 10011
Phone: 212-727-0190
Fax: 212-727-0195
e-mail: mailto
Publicity, Media, Bloggers etc. USA please contact:
Maryann Palumbo
+1 (718) 680-6483
Publicity Canada
KatherineB PR, Willialms Lake,
British Columbia, Canada, Katherine Bibby
Mobile: 250 302 1325
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